Merging certain channels only

I need to merge a certain group of channels from one show into another.

If I'm right, there is only this checkbox to merge all channels or none? 

Any ideas? 

Parents Reply
  • In Blind select all cues in cuelist 2 and copy the channels to cuelist 1.

    [Blind], [Cue] 2 [/] [Home] [Thru] [Enter] (selects all cues in cuelist 2)
    Chan 4 [+] 5 [CopyTo] [Cue] 1 [/] [Home] [Enter]

    In this example I used channels 4 and 5. The syntax however works for a single channel, for multiple channels, for a group, for multiple groups as well as channels/groups with parameter limitation, e.g. copy only Chan 6's color parameters. 
