Intensity Cue Only restore/Tracking shield

Is there a way to do an Update Intensity Cue Only, but with the addition of restoring the parameters to what they were before doing the update in a later cue?

For example:

Assuming I am in tracking mode and have auto mark turned on.

In Cue 1 through 15 my FOH movers are tracking on a stage left position.

They come on in cue 1 go off in cue 2 and come back on in cue 14. (Focus parameters are magenta from cue 2 through 14)

Now I want them on in cue 8 at a center stage position and update cue only, using the Intensity Cue Only modifier, so I will not have a movement back to stage left when the lights are fading out in cue 9. But now they will come on in the wrong position in cue 14.

Is there a way to restore that position in an automated way (In GrandMA this is called Update Tracking Shield if I am not mistaken)?

  • As far as i know there is no real quick way to do it.

    1. You can set a block somewhere in your next Cues to prevent stuff, but still need to clean up your following Cue
    2. You could update [Cue_only] Int and Movement separate from each other and for the Movement do a "Cue 8 Thru 9 Update Cue_Only"

    What ever you do, i think there is no way around it to tidy up after that a little bit.

  • As far as i know there is no real quick way to do it.

    1. You can set a block somewhere in your next Cues to prevent stuff, but still need to clean up your following Cue
    2. You could update [Cue_only] Int and Movement separate from each other and for the Movement do a "Cue 8 Thru 9 Update Cue_Only"

    What ever you do, i think there is no way around it to tidy up after that a little bit.
