Could you add a new function like Update Intensity Cue Only, but with the addition of restoring the parameters to what they were before doing the update in a later cue.
I would like to also have the option to set this as the default update method, like you can do with other Update preferences.
Use case:
Assuming I am in tracking mode and have auto mark turned on.
In Cue 1 through 15 my FOH movers are tracking on a stage left position.
They come on in cue 1 go off in cue 2 and come back on in cue 14. (Focus parameters are magenta from cue 2 through 14)
Now I want them on in cue 8 at a center stage position and update cue only, using the Intensity Cue Only modifier, so I will not have a movement back to stage left when the lights are fading out in cue 9. But now they will come on in the wrong position in cue 14.
Current workaround:
Use a macro with the following content:
Clear_CmdLine AllNPs Update Cue Thru Next CueOnlyTrack ♦︎︎Update CueOnlyTrack ︎♦︎︎