Snapshot from Backup


I have an Element 2 running v3.2, with a new Asus Laptop connected via network in Backup Mode.

Is there a way to run a command on the Backup cpu to change the Snapshot on the Primary Element 2?


Parents Reply
  • A short look into the manual will maybe clear things a bit up

    Manual-Page 470, PDF Page 486 (Manual v3.2.1)

    {Target Device} - A macro can have a Target Device assigned to it. This allows a cue to execute a macro only on a certain console. Macros 471 • The Target Device can be a device name or User ID. These are assigned to a macro in the Macro Display by using the {Target} softkey and either selecting {Device} and {User}. Pressing {Target} will also display a list of connected devices and additional target options.
