Add Zoom, Edge to Focus Palette

I would like Focus palettes to store Zoom and Edge information in it. I would like to see this as an option in User settings.

This would save me from having to use a macro for selective preset recording (and thus not using a hard key on the console) every time I want to store a position.

It makes little sense to just store pan and tilt info, because the zoom has an influence on the actual position; SL full body is a different position than SL head.

Also, the edge needs to change depending on where on stage your light hits, because of the change in distance.

I can imagine you do not want to break current workflows, but please make this into an option in settings.

I have made a feature request for this idea here:

 Add Zoom, Edge to Focus Palettes (as User Setting)  

I saw there were up votes as well as down votes so I thought it would makes sense to bring the discussion to the main forums and hear what others have to say. 

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  • I could do the same with my old Strand desk. I must say I've given it time to get used to the ETC way ;-) Still miss it though...

    It is more that a potentially good function is not used at all by me at all, because in the current state, I cannot use it. It would literally double the amount of work to first choose a Focus Palette and then have to adjust the edge and zoom for every cue I use the position in. Do not get me wrong, I use Presets all the time, but I think the desk should do this basic thing out of the box and not by forcing the user to write macros. Using focus palettes feels like the focus of your conventionals being done by a lazy house tech that does the FOCUS of a leko, by just doing pan and tilt and I have to send another tech up to do the edge and zoom.
