Add Zoom, Edge to Focus Palette

I would like Focus palettes to store Zoom and Edge information in it. I would like to see this as an option in User settings.

This would save me from having to use a macro for selective preset recording (and thus not using a hard key on the console) every time I want to store a position.

It makes little sense to just store pan and tilt info, because the zoom has an influence on the actual position; SL full body is a different position than SL head.

Also, the edge needs to change depending on where on stage your light hits, because of the change in distance.

I can imagine you do not want to break current workflows, but please make this into an option in settings.

I have made a feature request for this idea here:

 Add Zoom, Edge to Focus Palettes (as User Setting)  

I saw there were up votes as well as down votes so I thought it would makes sense to bring the discussion to the main forums and hear what others have to say. 

  • Is there a reason you do not want  to use presets?

  • The reasons are:

    - You need a macro to selectively store your presets or do a lot of typing each time ( Chan. {Focus}{Zoom}{Edge}[Record][Preset]#[Enter] ), whereas the Focus palette key is much closer to the keypad and therefore much quicker.

    - What if I always want Zoom, Edge (and maybe Iris) stored in Focus Palettes? It would make working for me much faster. The size of the beam has an impact on both pan and tilt. (Just the head of an actor on DCS requires a different tilt than the full body of the actor in the same position). So I do not have any use for the Focus Palette category at the moment, because I cannot store the other parameters. 

    - You miss the organizational distinction between Focus, Beam, and Color-palettes versus Presets.

  • Filters help you record multiple presets without lots of typing. This will work if you are recording all your presets at the same time. 

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