Inhibitve Macro Bug

I created an Inhibit Sub to inhibit haze output.  Great!

Made The dwell time hold.  great!

Press Bump button repeatedly Cycles the Sub on and off, Great!

The virtual slider (Tab 28) does not go up and down on each press  Not so great

On the MobileRFR (ios) the Slider does show correct state  Great

I have not a motorized fader wing to check it there.  I feel like it should show current state on virtual faders  and Motorized


EOS Nomad Backup

Ion Primary

  • further information. the fader has to be in the Full state for the bump button to cycle on and off  The same is true for the macro i created to trigger the bump button .  if the fader is less than 100 it will go in to Inhibit state but not come out via the bump or macro button press 

    I feel that the sate of the fader should not dictate who the bump button reacts orin this case does nothing

  • The fader and the bump button are two different control sources. Pressing the bump doesn't move the fader, neither physically (in case of motorized faders) nor conceptually.

    So the slider in Tab 28 not reacting is expected behavior.

    I tried to reproduce your issue of a bump macro behaving differently depending on fader level, but everything worked as expected.

    If you could send your showfile to eos(dot)moderator(at)etcconnect(dot)com that would help a lot in understanding your specific situation.

    Thank you.
