Ion XE error code: console status has changed and all lights turn off and usually turn back on within 10-45 seconds but it is happening repeatedly. What could be the issue?

So the theater I've been working at has had this issue for almost 2 years. Every once in a while, not consistently, everything just turns off. Then it takes everything usually 10-45 seconds to come back on. Tonight it was happening repeatedly and things weren't even getting to turn back on while it was happening. Our local vendor has been in and tried so many different things and now thinks that maybe it's an issue with rely between the old dimmer racks and the new ones. Has anyone had this issue before?

  • What exactly is this message in the Console Status Changed windows? Does the same message come every time the lights flash?

    By everything do you mean all dimmers in the new and old dimming racks? Do LED fixtures and moving lights lose power and then return must calibrate pan / tilt again? 

    Is there an external control tor houss/rehearsal/foyer lighting like Parafigm, Unison, Echo or other - using buttons, faders or touch screen to playback lighting cues? 

    Can you post a network/dmx topographic plan which shows all lighting devices in the network and how the network and dmx cables are connected to/thru consoles, switches, gateways, switches, splitters, dimming racks? 

    Which protocol are the dimmers controlled with? DMX, sACn, Artnet, Net2 or some other protocol? 


  • Hi, Corey!

    I'll DM you specifics. This has been an ongoing issue for this site. The frequency of the issue has increased drastically when originally there would be months between occurrences, it has become almost daily.

    Source: I'm the Dealer servicing this.
