Macro creation question/help needed

I'm trying to automate an action, in a macro, that I can do manually, but I can't figure out how.

Here's the situation. I have a number of LED strips that I'd like to create a color gradient across. Manually how I do this is to create 2 color palettes, select the group of strips, then while holding [Shift] (edited, eos moderator), click the 2 color palettes. That creates a gradient from the first CP to the second CP across the strips.

My problem is that, while I can create a macro that does the above, you have to designate the CPs in the macro. I'm hoping there's a way to program the macro so that it pauses for me to select each CP, then completes the gradient. I thought 'Wait for Input' would work, but it doesn't continue the macro when I select the first CP. The strips just take the color from the CP while the macro is still paused.

Any thoughts on how I might accomplish this??


added word Shift.
[edited by: eos moderator at 9:27 PM (GMT -5) on Sat, Aug 10 2024]
  • I'm interested in this section of your original statement: "then while holding , click the 2 color palettes."

    Creating a color gradient is done by choosing exactly two color palettes for a selection:
    Chan 1 Thru 10 ColorPalette 1 + ColorPalette 2 Enter

    The problem you're encountering is that a direct select button includes Enter, so when you're at the Wait_for_Input place in your macro, as soon as you tap that direct select you're terminating the command line. To avoid that you'll need to keep Shift pressed which tapping that direct select.

  • There should be the word SHIFT inside greater than & less than symbols in the line "then while holding , click the 2 color palettes." after holding. For some reason, the forum removes that. I’ve tried entering it twice & that gets removed.

    Regarding the rest of your response, I know to select the 2 CPs you need to hold shift. My question is: Is there a way to create a macro that pauses to allow the selection of the 2 CPs manually then continues??

  • I edited your original post and added the Shift button.

    The closest you can currently get with a macro is probably using Wait_for_Enter instead of Wait_for_Input. You still have to use the Shift+DirectSelect for the first color palette, then press Enter and for the second color palette you just tap the direct delect button.

    Something like this:

    I assume you want this to be part of a larger macro, because looking at this version it doesn't make life simpler compared to just regularly typing syntax...

  • I’m creating a Magic Sheet to be used by novices. I’m trying to simplify it down to clicking 3 buttons (macro & 2 CPs). Maybe I’ll just need to create a Shift console button on the sheet & do it that way. To clarify, the show’s on a Nomad & I’m trying to minimize/eliminate pulling out a keyboard.

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