Can't connect aRFR to IonXe20; works fine with Nomad; client mode PC connects

I am trying to connect aRFR running on Andoid S23 to IonXe20 running Eos; lib

I can connect a PC in client mode using using a dongle and it works fine.  I can connect aRFR to two different Nomad PCs running in primary mode and it works fine to control them. 

It will not connect to the Ion, though it recognizes the console is there, but the connection is grayed out.  I can ping the console and the console pings the Android, but it won't connect.  When I made some changes to IP, it automatically added the new console info in the list of connections, but then it grayed out. 

In Setup/System Settings/System/Mobile Apps  both "Allow App Connections" and "Visible to Mobile Apps" are enabled.

I uninstalled and reinstalled aRFR with no improvement.

Any idea what settings might be wrong?  What do I need to do to make it connect?

  • More info:  I suspected the router might be a problem, so I changed the router to access-point mode.  Now the Ion is providing DHCP and aRFR connects using the access point receiving an IP from Ion. 

    When I first connected, the Ion was shown on the aRFR screen in white, NOT grayed out.  Seems like a big step forward, but when I try to connect, it grays it out and never comes back again.  I uninstalled/reinstalled aRFR and it didn't make any difference.  Everything continues to work with Nomad, including when using the access point router.

  • Are the Ion and aRFR in same subnet? 

    Recommeded Network Address Settings: 

    Ion IP Address:

    Subnet Mask:

    Default Gateway:

    Android Device (with aRFE) Ip Address:

    Subnet Mask (or 16 instead of 24)

    Default Gateway:,

    Provide screenshots of both setttings. 

  • I tried connecting Nomad client and it failed.  When I clicked troubleshoot it showed the Ion I had configured and a second Ion.  I deleted the old version and it then connected with Nomad as a client and everything worked as expected. 

    In aRFR I deleted every console version except the one for the Ion.     It still would not connect.  Exit and restart did not help.  I uninstalled and reinstalled and all the old consoles returned.  I deleted everything again including the Ion console, no consoles at all.  Still could not connect.  Uninstall and reinstall and all the old consoles returned. 

    This tells me some data is being retained and is likely corrupting the attempt to connect.  For some reason this problem is unique to connecting to Ion, but not Nomad.  This begs the question, How can I delete all the data stored in aRFR?  Uninstall/reinstall doesn't do it..It probably needs to retain my purchase info, but not the rest.

    Why doesn't deleting a console delete the associated data?  It disappears from the list, but somewhere the data remains.  It only returns when I uninstall and reinstall, but it's there somewhere even though not on my screen.

    Here are screenshots of IP stuff, but I doubt that is relevant to this problem.

  • What is the IP address of your phone? I'm an iPhone user but to me it looks like your phone is only connected to cellular and not wifi... 

Reply Children
  • This image was in my original message, but seems to have been deleted. 

    IP is assigned by the console DHCP to with mask  That is how the console DHCP is configured to assign addresses. 

    Do you have any idea how to clear the arfr data that doesn't go away on reinstall?  Or why deleting an entry doesn't really delete?  It disappears on the screen and doesn't return when I reboot, but it always comes back when I reinstall.  It looks like a cache problem with old data.  How can I clear the cache for arfr?  Since I haven't rooted the phone, I can't see the app private data.

    The phone still connects fine with no problem to Nomad.  It's just Ion that has the problem.

  • hi 

    on the Ion, there is no default gateway set. please set this to

    Also on your phone set default Gateway to

    On your screenshot to phone I cannot ser which Subnet/Prefix is set. Can u show that? 

  • Did you know the answer to my questions about deleting sticky data? 

    Clearly the sticky data is a defect in the RFR app that I need to get past to continue troubleshooting.  I suppose I could reset the phone to factory and start over which is a brute force way to clear it, but that would be incredibly inconvenient and might not even work.  I thought I would try an old phone, but the app keeps crashing on that phone, so I can't use it.  Is there a "troubleshoot" for RFR connections like there is for Nomad? That helped on the PC connection.

    I have many questions I'm trying to answer to help me track down the problem.  Why did the console appear in white and then get grayed out in RFR?  That is a BIG clue to the problem, since the Ion and phone obviously communicated and exchanged the necessary info, but something caused them to lose the ability to connect.  Why would it not connect when it was white?  It collected the data for the entry automatically, then couldn't use it.  Why?  Why doesn't deleting and reinstalling clean it up?  Why does it have no problem connecting to Nomad?  It will automatically populate the entry for Nomad, just like it did for Ion, but the entry stays active on Nomad whereas it goes inactive on Ion.  What would cause that?  How could the entry be created and populated by the Ion if it has an IP problem?  If it's able to populate, why would it lose that ability; why wouldn't it populate again when I restart the app, especially when I've deleted all the remembered consoles so there are none?  Why would the presence of a stale entry on Nomad make it impossible for Nomad Client to connect, but deleting it allows it to work?  The phone and Nomad use the exact same connection path to Ion; one works and one doesn't.  What's the difference in the connections?  Obviously the two programs are completely different, but they both use the same ethernet/wifi/DHCP to connect.  Is there some setting in Ion that's different for the two?  If I can determine the answers to some of these questions, it may help me get to the root of the problem.

    I don't see default gateway and subnet on the phone wifi IP config page.  These may not be accessible on android.  When I have time, I'll try to find it elsewhere.

  • I don’t develop the aRFR personally so I can’t get you those answers. I do have experience getting our Remote apps working with our consoles and one of the most common connection issues has to do with incomplete or incorrect Network Addesses. And by Network Address I don’t mean just the IP Address, but rather all three parts - 1.) IP Address 2.) Subnet Mask (or on Android commonly called Prefix-length) and 3.) Default Gateway. 

    While some of the time applications /functions will work when the Network Addresses are incomplete/incorrect, not always because networking is a complex topic.

    For example, certain functions - like discovery - work also when addresses are not matching/incomplete. But other functions like connection won’t work unless the addresses are in same subnet - and default Gateway is listed. So you can see the console - but can‘t connect to it - sounds like a typical network address issue.

    Please type in for default Gateway in your console and restart. 

    And make sure subnet / prefix is set to / 16 in your phone.

    Configure them to be manual / custom network configuration and not dhcp clients.

  • So technically (from a pure networking perspective) that should work since they're both on a class-B subnet (technically its CIDR), so they are on the same network, so "no need" for a gateway...

    HOWEVER, I have seen some strange things with various lighting systems when they either have mismatched subnet masks (ie the broadcast domain is different) and/or when they don't have a gateway that is reachable (even if technically it shouldn't be necessary). So while you might be able to ping they might not be able to discover each other.

    Try making sure they both have an appropriate gateway that they can reach. I do know that (at least iRFR for the iPhone) can span across routers/gateways/network, as long as they can be reached. It does take a bit longer for them to discover and connect but it does work.

    For example I've got production network 1 & 2, and my phone can connect via WiFi to production 1, and I can pretty much instantly see the Eos console on production 1 network, but since I created the production 2 console manually in iRFR, it will see it but might take 20-30 seconds before it shows that it is available.

    These manually created Eos instances persist without a problem.
