Chauvet Rogue R3 Spot Colour Select Problem


I am testing out a Chauvet Rogue R3 Spot, and some of the colours it is producing don't correspond with what is shown on screen.

The preprogrammed effects on the Ion are also not outputting on the fixture correctly.

I have tried it in both 19ch and 25ch modes, both modes have similar issues.

I've used both the Ion and the Nomad with the most up to date software and fixture libraries available to date, August 14th 2024.  Same errors occur using either for control.

For example, in 25ch mode, left column shows what is selected using colour select 1, right column is what the fixture is actually outputting.

Open            Open

Light Blue     Light Blue

Green           Red

Red              Magenta

Magenta       Dark Blue

Dark Blue     Orange

Orange         Magenta

Open            Split Open/Yellow

Yellow           Split Yellow/Light Blue

Light Blue     Split Light Blue/Green

Green           Split Magenta/Red

Red              Split Dark Blue/Magenta

Magenta       Split Orange/Dark Blue

Dark Blue     Split Orange/Magenta

Any suggestions on what might be causing the problem?



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