BUG - Thru Selection in certain Flexi states broken in 3.2.9

When in Flexi Manual/In Use/Active 

Channel 1 thru 4 Enter

Next (ie Chan 1) - @50 Enter - Next   - loses the channel selection. Should keep the original selection and advance to the next channel of that range.

This seems to have appeared in Release 3.2.

  • Are you saying that it looses the selection of channel 1 thru 4, and doesn't advance to channel 2? If that is the case, be sure to double check that those channels are actually patched. There was something similar someone brought up while working through some of the training videos, and it will exhibit unexpected "next" behavior when the next channel actually is not patched to a fixture.

  • Yes I am saying that it doesn't advance to channel 2. Yes, the channels are patched.

    I've given a really clear replicator for the bug in this post. If you can't take the 30secs to try this out yourself and see it happen, please don't just stab in the dark and guess at a problem, it's really not a helpful response.

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