BUG - Thru Selection in certain Flexi states broken in 3.2.9

When in Flexi Manual/In Use/Active 

Channel 1 thru 4 Enter

Next (ie Chan 1) - @50 Enter - Next   - loses the channel selection. Should keep the original selection and advance to the next channel of that range.

This seems to have appeared in Release 3.2.

Parents Reply
  • But than there is a much bigger Bug around here.
    If the current Channels have no value at all, they should not be selectable in the current flexi-state.
    At least not with a single [Thru]. [Thru][Thru] should always work.

    If there is no Activ Channel in the Channel-selection the Single [Thru] will always work. And if there is at least one activ Channel in the selection, the behaviour is as expected of the Flexistate.

    So maybe that is what the moderator is refering to (around since v2.6) ?
