Macro Assist: Time

I've made simple macros in the past but need one with a timing element! A cheap Chinese ML needs to be reset frequently to keep the color wheel in synch.

I need to put a value of 255 into DMX address 358 for 6 seconds and then put that address back to 0.


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  • Thanks again, I actually set up the Lamp Control at home and used the sACN viewer to see the 255 pop up for 6 seconds in the correct DMX's. Worked a treat!

    The real reason for the Macro is that three of the four behave very well - always coming up with the right color. But #4 doesn't always sync. So, I might have 1, 2 and 3 lit but plan to use #4 downstream hence an easy way to hit just one DMX address with the 255. I could use direct DMX addressing to put in the 255 and agian to put in the 0 but thought a Macro would be quicker. This rogue lamp may need to be reset several times during a show!
