How to easily delete [Imported Gobos] and why did they get there in the first place?

I am confused by the gobos that show up in the Import>Gobo Images>Imported Gobos menu. (see attached)

For starters...let's say I have a file with 100 gobos in that list, but NONE of them are used in Magic sheet 10. And then I import only magic 10 into a blank file, it brings in ALL those imported gobos. Why? It's almost like they are a watermark. I can't bring in any magic sheet from the file without also bringing in all those extra images I don't want. 

And then to try and delete them from the file, if I click on "Delete Unused" in the image manager, they don't get deleted.  The only way I have found to delete them is to go through and manually delete each on in the file manager which takes forever. At the very least I should be able to shift click the first and last gobo to delete them all at once.

They bloat my file size and clog up my image manager. help!


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  • Impactful feature requests are those that describe a need and how it impacts your workflow. You don't have to worry about the specifics or think about e.g. Shift-clicking or other methods.

    To quote the feature request forum:
    "The most helpful information you can provide us when commenting on issues is how a particular suggestion would help you. If you describe your use-case and how the suggested change would benefit your work, it lets us gain a much deeper understanding of the need behind the suggestion. Suggestions often have an impact on what we work on, even if we ultimately choose not to implement a suggestion exactly as it’s described. Our ultimate goal is to understand what you and all users need and to create solutions that meet those needs. Occasionally, that’ll mean implementing a suggestion as described, but it usually means working to understand the need behind the suggestion and how we can meet that need for as many users as possible."
