accessing multi-universes

Hi Everyone.

I'm still running a fairly low-tech venue.  just 2 universes of DMX, through 5 pin, to the dimmer room and the Opto repeater for the intelligent lighting.

My Ion has the upgraded motherboard and is upgraded to 12 universes.  Running 3.2.8.

Ethernet wire runs from console to FOH sound pit to an un-managed router, which typically connects to the ETC RFR and a client laptop (and today the Multiverse Transmitter).

I was demo-ing a Multiverse wireless DMX system today, and after enough ***** around, I got U3 and U4 working.  (turned on sACN in Shell/Network, and turned on sACN output in patch (that one took a while), and patched a device in each U3 and U4).

I chose U3 and U4, but is there anything I need to do to access other universes between 5 and 12?

or just assign the Multiverse output to U5 and a receiver to U5, adn patch a device to a U5 Address?

Set-up\Device\Local Output only shows Universes 1 - 4

Patching a device to an address in U5 didn't add a Universe 5 to the Local Output list.

Thanks very much.

