Best practice to control relays from Eos

Hello we recently replaced some dimmers with Relays.

To switch on the Relays on our Sensor rack I made a Sub 610 to turn them on with a macro.

Solution A wich I use now is: set the priority to Shielded and Exclude Rec.

But now I came across a showfile by someone else and they used a different approach:

Solution B has the sub at Priority 10, a channel filter, and Exclude Rec / GM / Solo / Inhib

In what way does the sub (or relays) behave different with these settings?

And what do you think would be best practice?

  • The difference is how they handle manual control and in competing playback values of the same priority:

    A: Shielded protects the content against other non-sub sources, they win against other playback with priorities 1 through 10 and against manual values. The only possible competition are other shielded subs (since cuelists can only go to priority 10).

    B: A priority 10 sub will lose against manual values and is subject to LTP/HTP competition from other sources with priority 10.

    Does this help?

  • The difference is how they handle manual control and in competing playback values of the same priority:

    A: Shielded protects the content against other non-sub sources, they win against other playback with priorities 1 through 10 and against manual values. The only possible competition are other shielded subs (since cuelists can only go to priority 10).

    B: A priority 10 sub will lose against manual values and is subject to LTP/HTP competition from other sources with priority 10.

    Does this help?
