Secondary Color Picker

I think this true of other instruments as well, but I am using EOS 3.2. I have patched FXPar 9s in 9-channel mode. There is both an outer ring of LEDs using RGB and an inner LED using RGB2, the color picker only affects RGB1 and then I have to go in and manually change the RGB 2 settings to match those of 1 if I want a heavy saturation otherwise I have white light coming out of the center. Is there a way to get a second color picker or have the one do both?

  • A channel gets one color picker and that's for its RGB parameters, there's no color picker for RGB2 and up.

    If you want color pickers for both sets of RGB you will have to use a multicell version of the fixture profile. Cells are technically their own channels so you can get a color picker per cell.

    If you don't need independent control of the two rings you can edit your fixture profile and use two sets of RGB instead of using RGB and RGB2.

  • A channel gets one color picker and that's for its RGB parameters, there's no color picker for RGB2 and up.

    If you want color pickers for both sets of RGB you will have to use a multicell version of the fixture profile. Cells are technically their own channels so you can get a color picker per cell.

    If you don't need independent control of the two rings you can edit your fixture profile and use two sets of RGB instead of using RGB and RGB2.

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