Robe Tetra2 super strange fixture profile

There have been a few questions about this fixture, but since the fixture profile forum has been locked and the new hub is unusable, I will ask my question in the main forum.

The fixture has a strange organisation in the library, placing intensities for master, background and flower effects in an order and home value that does not make sense.

Also the color parameters are organised in such a way that the colour picker cannot be used as efficiently as it should. If you use the fixture in multi cel mode, the flower effects are placed in between normal cels, making it very hard to create ordered groups. 

This request from a few years ago was very useful, but I cannot see what has been implemented and what not. 

 Librairy of tetra 2 robe problem 

The fixture hub is only tracking individual requests and does provide any room for a discussion as to how a fixture should work or how certain parameters are intended. Please, please change this back to how it was and take the fixture library into your own hands to speed things up.

Parents Reply
  • i checked the gdtf, but only looked at mode 6 (the one i'm usually working with). i don't think the import is working properly. this mode should use 128 addresses, but is way off. had a quick look at the gdtf file and it simply has no definition for address 128 (nor any other address above 60). i'm not sure if there is a special provision in the format for cells which Eos apparently doesn't understand.
