Why won't my pan/tilt wheels work?

So I have an Ion Xe 20 and whenever I turn on an ML and try to pan and tilt it with the wheels it doesn't work. Today whenever I was trying to control the ML and instead of panning and tilting, it moved the color wheel. It pan/tilted for me before, idk if it is just because I was in the ML tab. Will try anything tomorrow if anyone has any ideas.

  • Hi 

    Seconding the recommendation of mismatched fixture modes.

    Best to double check the fixture mode of the units versus your actual patch.

    Whilst you are seeing the various parameter options as a version of the unit is patched, they are not lining up between the fixture and the patch. This normally indicates mismatched fixture mode to patched profile.

    What are the units involved?


  • Hi 

    Seconding the recommendation of mismatched fixture modes.

    Best to double check the fixture mode of the units versus your actual patch.

    Whilst you are seeing the various parameter options as a version of the unit is patched, they are not lining up between the fixture and the patch. This normally indicates mismatched fixture mode to patched profile.

    What are the units involved?

