Submaster HTP merging with live values


I have a couple of lights receiving live values occasionally, via OSC. In order to maintain a minimum brightness I would like to have a submaster set a minimum intensity which the lights never drop below. I thought this would be easy, set a submaster to HTP-merge, map it to the (intensity of) those lights. Boom, done.. But nope, can't make it work.
Either the submaster has such a high priority that it always overwrites the live values, even if these are higher and after principle of HTP should set the value. Or the live values always overwrite the submaster, no matter what.

I've played around with intensity master, varyious priority settings and other submaster settings, but no avail.
(Weirdly, with Mode set to Inhibitive, I can set up a fader/submaster to be a limiter. That's easy.)

Is it even possible?

  • At out house we have 2 subs. One is for the house lights, step lights and light locks and when at full everything is at the programmed level. The 2nd sub is the step lights and light locks. This always remains at 100% but it keeps the step lights and light locks on at the minimum level. and is overwritten by the house sub when it is raised. Is something like this what you are looking for? We have a base file to start any programming with  which has these subs by default.



  • I'm not sure I fully understand. The 2nd sub maps your lights' intensities to a desired minimum level (let's say 10%), so the sub itself can stay at 100%. Is it also stopping manual/live values from dipping below 10%? While not preventing going over 10%

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