Blind to Live and tabs

First off, thank you for bring tabs to the Ion.   My questions involves going to blind via patch, effect effect or others of the like.  When I do this it opens a tab and changes my screens. This is good. But then,  I press the live button to go into live and I would expect the live screen display to restore to what it was before I went to patch, etc. Instead, I have to either go to a saved snapshot or tab, escape. This seems like too many steps, and not very efficient in programming., especially when the norm for the legacy boards is to restore to the live look (or where you were before you went to blind).

Is there a more efficient way of getting back to my restored view?  Is this something that maybe changed down the road?

Thank you.

  • Ah, we are totally not seeing this.  When you come back to live from any other display, you should be in the same mode that you were in live before you left.  There is one exception to this.  If you are in a blind view, and you change your format (lets say from table to summary) when you return to live, you will be in summary view.  If you change to spreadsheet in blind, it does not impact the live format.  Flexi states are independent.  Can you provide a little bit more info?




  • Here is one example.  The syntax I used was sub sub, then I did what I had to, then live.  The sub sub tab stays and I don't see my snapshot or the last viewed live screen.  The sub tab stays and I have to tab escape. 

    On another note, but similar. When I have a 5x10 opened in the CIA and then I go to Browser, it opens. All is well. I would expect, that when I close the browser, the 5 x 10 would reappear. It does not. I have to go back into the browser and reopen it.  Is there anyway to make this restore as well?

  • Hmmm... Is the sub tab opening on top of the live view?  When you press live, it should pull both live (Tab 1) and the PSD (Tab 2) back to the surface ... unless the PSD has been placed on the same monitor as Tab 1.   Can I ask why snapshot (which you don't see) is related to this?  Can you send me your showfile and I'll see if there is anything odd.

    Right now, the default for the CIA is the parameter tiles/browser.  You can't lock to a different view.  In 2.0, we are providing more management of what that screen goes back to when the last content is removed.

    Hope that helps.



  • Not having seen an EOS demo, when you talk about tabs, I thought there would be an actual set of tabs on the top of the screen to facilitate navigation.  Pressing SWAP several times is kind of annoying.  I am really close to reverting to 1.8.

    [edited by: SBC at 9:27 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 21 2010]
  • You can hold down the [Tab] key and type the number of the tab you want to jump to instead of hitting [Tab] more than once.

  • SBS, at the bottom of your screen you should see all tabs that are open, you can click on these to navigate to them.


    Hope this helps,


  • Oh, that might help as an explanation.    The tabs and numbers are shown across the bottom.  The notation at the top of the screen is just to reinforce the display that you are currently working with.   You might want to download the document on the post at the top of the forums called "help with displays."    I think you'll find that, once you get used to working with them, tabs are faster to use than 1.8, as it is faster to get to displays (once they are opened) that are not accessible with double click front panel buttons.

    Hope that helps.



  • Anne >>> it's now 2023 and I'm also still having this same issue.

    In LIVE I have a Magic Sheet open on the left screen and ML + Cue tabs open on the right screen. 

    When I switch ti BLIND, all is OK and I do what I need to do.  When I go back to LIVE it *never* returns to the tabs/screens as I had them prior to going into Blind Mode.  I have tried several alternatives.  Changed my snapshots so that my standard working layout is in the 1st view (of the three) ... to no avail. 

    This is on my Nomad, Ion, Ion-XE, & Gio.  It seems to not want to let me see my Magic Sheets more than anything!  Currently running v3.1.5.8

    Please advise.  There's nothing noted that I can google!  

    THX >>> P.

  • look into changing the display behavior of the magic sheet from Normal Display to Channel Display.

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