Create new fixture (Eurolite LED Bar RGB)


i tried to run an Eurolite LED Bar RGB 252/10 with Ion.  Someone else created a patch for this fixture on Element and i copied it into Ion.

On the Element i'm able to use this Bar(well, most time :-D ) but now on the Ion most functions are not available and using it is just impossible with the patch i have.

Does anyone of you have this fixture in his library? If you don't have it.... do not buy this LED Bar ;) it really annoys me




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  • Blimey - that is one weird fixture.

    DMX Offset 1 has to be between 1 and 15 (about 1 to 5%) for the fixture to work.
    - That attribute radically alters how it behaves, even changing the DMX footprint of the fixture!

    This is probably why the fixture is behaving so oddly for you.

    I would suggest Parking parts of the fixture as follows:

    • DMX Offset 1: Park at 1%
    • Offset 2: Park at 100%
    • Offset 3: Park at somewhere where it doesn't flash - can't figure it out from the manual

    Then patch the reset of the fixture as 3 contiguous channels of Generic > LED RGB.

    That's probably the most easily understood way to do this.

    The console will handle the Intensity of each 'cell' itself, and you can use Effects if you need to strobe it.

  • Thanks for your answer

    i'll try, but this could be a long way. i'm using 26 of them >.<

  • You could make a profile for them as follows.


    1 - USER 1 - Set a default level to 10 (hex)


    3 - USER 2 

    4 - RED

    5 - GREEN

    6 - BLUE

    7 - RED 2

    8 - GREEN 2

    9 - BLUE 2

    10 - RED 3

    11 - GREEN 3 (had to look on the 3 page of the avail color attributes for these)

    12 - BLUE 3


    It's going to add in HUE & Saturation which is ok(so you can use the color picker), just move them so they come after each set of RGB. 


    It's a little funky, but doable with the amount of fixtures you have to work with.



  • I've got it running.... more or less

    Adress 1 is Mode and parked at 3 (So that i can use the lamp with DMX)

    Adress 3 is Strobe Mode


    But I'v got a new problem

    - When I use the colorpicker RGB1 does what it has to. RGB2 turns off and RGB 3 does nothing.

    I tried to put Hue/Sat/britness behind every of the RGB "units" in the profil, but that did not work. Can I link it somehow?


  • The colour picker is only for the first set RGB parameters - it doesn't work for RGB2 or RGB3, as there isn't a general way to define what they're for - in some fixtures these might be extra cells, in others they could be secondary colour rings etc.

    This also means that the stock Effects will not affect these additional colour attributes.

    I always recommend patching multi-cell fixtures as several individual 'cells', either as multiple Parts on the same Channel, or as several Channels. (Depending on how you intend to use them.)

    For this fixture, I would suggest deleting  RGB 2 and 3 from the personality template and patching two Generic > RGB for these cells - you can either patch them as parts 2 and 3, or as separate channels.

    Patched as Parts they will act in unison unless otherwise specified (eg Channel x Part y), while patched as individual channels they will be individually controlled by default, and can also have Effects run across the unit, rather than Effects treating the unit as a single item.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:29 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Aug 25 2010]