Create new fixture (Eurolite LED Bar RGB)


i tried to run an Eurolite LED Bar RGB 252/10 with Ion.  Someone else created a patch for this fixture on Element and i copied it into Ion.

On the Element i'm able to use this Bar(well, most time :-D ) but now on the Ion most functions are not available and using it is just impossible with the patch i have.

Does anyone of you have this fixture in his library? If you don't have it.... do not buy this LED Bar ;) it really annoys me




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  • You could make a profile for them as follows.


    1 - USER 1 - Set a default level to 10 (hex)


    3 - USER 2 

    4 - RED

    5 - GREEN

    6 - BLUE

    7 - RED 2

    8 - GREEN 2

    9 - BLUE 2

    10 - RED 3

    11 - GREEN 3 (had to look on the 3 page of the avail color attributes for these)

    12 - BLUE 3


    It's going to add in HUE & Saturation which is ok(so you can use the color picker), just move them so they come after each set of RGB. 


    It's a little funky, but doable with the amount of fixtures you have to work with.



  • I've got it running.... more or less

    Adress 1 is Mode and parked at 3 (So that i can use the lamp with DMX)

    Adress 3 is Strobe Mode


    But I'v got a new problem

    - When I use the colorpicker RGB1 does what it has to. RGB2 turns off and RGB 3 does nothing.

    I tried to put Hue/Sat/britness behind every of the RGB "units" in the profil, but that did not work. Can I link it somehow?


  • The colour picker is only for the first set RGB parameters - it doesn't work for RGB2 or RGB3, as there isn't a general way to define what they're for - in some fixtures these might be extra cells, in others they could be secondary colour rings etc.

    This also means that the stock Effects will not affect these additional colour attributes.

    I always recommend patching multi-cell fixtures as several individual 'cells', either as multiple Parts on the same Channel, or as several Channels. (Depending on how you intend to use them.)

    For this fixture, I would suggest deleting  RGB 2 and 3 from the personality template and patching two Generic > RGB for these cells - you can either patch them as parts 2 and 3, or as separate channels.

    Patched as Parts they will act in unison unless otherwise specified (eg Channel x Part y), while patched as individual channels they will be individually controlled by default, and can also have Effects run across the unit, rather than Effects treating the unit as a single item.

    [edited by: Richard at 6:29 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Aug 25 2010]