Known Issues in 1.2

The following are known issues in the current 1.2 release.  These issues will be fixed in software patch that will be available later this week.  We will post a message on the forum when the new version of 1.2 is on the website:

Software crash possible when deleting a cue that is in the About window
Software crash possible editing curves when in flexi-channel mode
Multiple undo commands can be generated in multi-console environments when a new device comes on line

The other issue that we are aware of, which will not be addressed until 1.3 is released (slated for 11/29), is that stop/back on a split cue does not impact the downfade.  


[edited by: Anne Valentino at 10:40 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Dec 07 2007] [edited by: Anne Valentino at 9:32 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Oct 26 2007] [edited by: Anne Valentino at 9:00 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 23 2007] [edited by: Anne Valentino at 9:00 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 23 2007]
  • And a request for all the lazy people - is it possible to display the app's full build number in the zipped software file name? Saves having to check the forum or download the release notes when looking for patch updates... And if ETC updates other elements (other than the actual Eos app) then please add some sort of indication for that too!

    Kind regards,

    Alex Mair

    Jands Pty Ltd

  • Alex.... slacker boy..... Dennis and I took a look at the way the builds are posted to the website - and generally, in any software release or patches to a release only the first three digits of the version number, which are included in the zip name, have any significance..  So, we just posted 1.2.1 yesterday and you can idenfity it by that number.  The next release will either go out as 1.3.0 or 1.2.2 (although we are not PLANNING a 1.2.2).

    Anything that goes out as what we call a CritSit build (Critical Situation) though, actually does not modify the third digit and does in fact use the subsequent numbers...... thereby making it indistinquishable from the previous release in the zip file name.  Therefore, you are absolutely right --- and that extended number should be referenced in the zip file.  This would also help sort out the differences between standard issue releases and CritSit releases.   

    So, we will be talking to our self-described web monkey and IT about this.  I also think it would be useful to see the posting date published.

    Thanks much!

  • Hi everyone.   There have been reports of system slowdown when more than 1 Eos device is connected to a network.  If you are having issues with this, please contact your Tech Support office.  They should be able to assist you.  

    Thanks much!


  • We have currently been having a random issue with our Eos.  The problem is sometimes the console will fall out of Live and go into Patch all on it's own, sometimes we may be right in the middle of programing and others it will be sitting idol and just switch by itself.  We have had this problem very randomly over this past week.  This has happened while we have had our full setup in (2 desks,3 RVI's) and when we just had a master and back-up console.  It seems as if we restart the system the bug goes away.  Hasn't happened yet today but i'll keep you posted.


  • Ryan, have you contacted tech support?    When this happens, does it seem to happen for a while and then clear itself up.... or is it a one-off event?

    Do you have all of the devices as the same user?  If not, which user does it happen on?   Next time it happens, please extract the log files (see the announcement at the top of the forum) and email the file to  

     Thanks much!


  • We currently haven't had this problem for the past week Anne.  When we do have the problem it has been with the main desk or so we believe, but with 3 RVI's and 2 consoles you never know when somebody may have hit the blind button by mistake.  We use 2 of our RVI's for monitoring purposes only, therefore they are logged on as Client user 1.  The other is Client user 2, and both consoles are user 1.  Thanks, Mike and I will let you know if these comes up again.



    [edited by: Ryan at 3:54 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Nov 25 2007]