+/-% buttons and discrete timing

I know that by default the +/- % buttons are set to +/-10%.  I have set them to +/-5% because that's the way I like it. However, when the operator uses them, the command line still shows: +10% or -10%.


My operator somehow put a 30 second discrete time on a single channel (dimmer). I tried to change it to a 3 count to match the rest of the que by typing Channel xxx Intensity Time 3 but that didn't work. Nor does the manual say how to delete this timing. Perhaps she specified a parameter other than intensity (if that's possible on a dimmer channel). Is there a way to see what parameter was set to 30 sec? None of the que's times were showing as a 30 count.

ahh teething pains...... 


  • [chan 1 time enter] [update] (or skip the update if you're in blind) will remove all of the discrete times on channel 1's parameters. Then it should be using the cue times.

  • [chan 1 time enter] [update] (or skip the update if you're in blind) will remove all of the discrete times on channel 1's parameters. Then it should be using the cue times.

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