Is there a WRFU for the EOS? Can the EOS be controlled from an iPaq with the software?
Is there a WRFU for the EOS? Can the EOS be controlled from an iPaq with the software?
Is this still current thinking? Are the RFR's still going to be shipped this month (end of Dec)? It's a real drag not having this yet (or even as wired remote). Good thing the rest of the system is so awesome so far.
Thanks, B
Hi Brent. Yes, we are going to replace all of the units we have already shipped. Right now, its looking like Mid-Jan. I know this is not ideal .... and am very sorry. But we really want to make sure we have this nailed before we resume shipping. Am so sorry. As soon as I have a firm date on when the swap out of that hardware will begin - I will post it here.
I just wanted to start by saying it is nice having a forum like this to help everyone on both sides of the aisle.
I was just curious if the Remote Focus was still on for mid month launch? Thanks!
Hi everyone.
The RFR is in beta test right now (just started this week). And as Erik said, things are looking very promising. The transmission drops that we were seeing seem to have been addressed. Provided all goes well, we hope to release to manufacturing next week. The first of those units would then be available for shipment at the very beginning of February. Our first job, though, is to replace the 25 or so units that we shipped before putting the product on hold. And then we have to fill the backlog - which is rather large. It is kind of hard to project, but I would say that any new order for an RFR being entered today would not ship until mid March at the earliest.
We are very sorry for this. We know the bind that this puts you in. And Ion --- while small -- is kinda hard to take up the ladder with you. We have many resources in R+D and manufacturing focused on getting this product into the market as soon as we can. So, thank you very much for your patience.
Speaking as one of the 'lucky' 25 or so owners of the current hardware, and as someone who focuses this Friday and begins tech on Saturday...PLEASE HURRY! :)
Will ethernet connectivity of the RFR receiver be a feature of the re-released RFR, or will that be included in an upcoming console software upgrade?
Hi Eos Team,
What is the word on the Remote?
Tim Wilson
Tim, thanks for reminding us that we made a promise to you all! Things always seem to take longer than we want them to.... The RFR is now slated for release this Thursday (Feb 28). We should have production units in stock and ready to ship within a couple of weeks. Our first action is to replace all of the units already shipped. Following that, we will be clearing our rather substantial backlog as quickly as we can.
Am very sorry for the continued delays with this project. I know that this is completely cheeky of us to ask, but please be patient just a little longer!
On another note... I owe you an email. Expect it today!
So did the RFR release on Feb. 28? I just got money to buy one, but need to know that ETC can supply before I order?
Geoff, yes it did. We are beginning shipment this week.
Outstanding. Let us know how it goes!