no intensity on cue faders

hi everybody,


im out here with a eos(first time) and just mentioned that i cant use the intensity faders on my cuelists.

on every console i know the faders are responsible for the intensity of the corresponding cuelist,

but not on the eos ?!

did i miss something is this a feature or is this a bug ?

i really would like to change this setting somewhere if possible !!!








  • SBC:

    Anne, does this also apply to ION?


    What a great discussion!  As an imminent ION owner, I am interested in this as well!


  • Yes, both Eos and Ion sv1.4 will have NPs on subs.  Additionally, the potentiometer for both playbacks and submasters can be set as intensity masters or proportional progress controllers (the default).  

    There are differences in the behavior of the bump buttons on submasters depending on how they are set.... and the button above the bump button now has a purpose.  More details shortly!

  • Anne,


    Regarding the ability to put intensity on playbacks...I am so very glad to hear that we'll be able to finally do this!   In terms of the live corporate events that I mostly program for, this will suit my purposes very much and make a great desk so much better.  I am so very happy to hear that I won't have to creatively program my way around this to make it work for me.  Thank you all so much for considering and implementing this feature. 


    *much rejoicing from the peanut gallery*

  • Hi Abby (or is it Mrs. T.... ??).  I do think this will add another layer of flexibility.  So thanks to all of your for helping us work out the actual behavior.  

    You all speak... we do!  Sometimes it takes us a handful of months, but we do get there!!


    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 2:33 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Apr 17 2008]