no intensity on cue faders

hi everybody,


im out here with a eos(first time) and just mentioned that i cant use the intensity faders on my cuelists.

on every console i know the faders are responsible for the intensity of the corresponding cuelist,

but not on the eos ?!

did i miss something is this a feature or is this a bug ?

i really would like to change this setting somewhere if possible !!!








  • Mike, the physical faders have three different behaviors, based on how the cue is programmed.  The default position of the fader is full.

    a)  if there is no manual timing assigned to the cue at all, the fader overrides only intensity.  Therefore, if you press the Go button, at any time, you can drop the fader off of full to take manual control of the intensity transition of the cue.  If you drop the fader to zero before you press go, you have locked the intensity transition to manual control.

    b)  if there is any manual timing in the cue (either at a cue level or discretely at a channel/parameter level) the fader controls the transition of those parameters (and cannot be used to override just the intensity)

    c)  if you want to take over the entire cue transition manually, you press [Man Override] & [Load].

    Does this make sense?

  • hello everybody,

    thank u all for your replies.

    like david already mentioned this is probably a function used mainly on events etc. 

    the point is, i just need to have the intensity of the actual cue on that fader. 

    i dont care about manual transitions, but i need more direct access on my cuelists 

    for example i have a cuelist stored with a complex sequence with pan/tilt/intensity 

    and i need to fade this in and out frequently on certain events that just happen.

    in my eyes it is strange that i have faders with "no function" when the cue is played

    i would like to have a option to use the faders as submasters for the intensitys of my active cues.

    hope this makes sense...



  • Anne~

    Hello. I hope this finds you well.


    Im sitting here with Badger, we approve of your last comment....


    We want the penome.... Fader thingy to act as a GM for the associated cue thats currently playing.


    I COMPLETELY understand John's example, and yes, this would be an acceptable "chooseable feature".

    Here's my example, I have cuelists set up on my faders... with different color washes in each one... I want to be able to adjust the intensity of the cue with the fader... this way... when the CEO walks up on stage I have a ballyhoo that runs in one cuelist... and in another cuelist i have a base look... I can simply fade up and down the fader to bring up the ballyhoo... its always running... the fader only affects intensity....  nothing else...  it doesnt advance the cue, it doesnt hold a cue, i dont have to apply a special "hold" to a cue etc....







  • I am going to have to agree with Matt on this one, I have gotten this as a request in the past. I don't think it would be a big deal if it was a user setting, " Faders as Masters" or something like that.

    Thank you! 

  • Hey,

    I've been hoping for effects on faders for the same reason.  I hadn't tried it but I had assumed I would be able to duplicate a step effect in a cue list and use the fader as an intensity master.  I would have been sad.  I don't use multiple cue lists much, but I certainly second the need for that capability to do as mentioned before, only I would be inclined to do it as an effect on a handle.  Either or both would make me happy.  I also want to choose between LTP and HTP.

    cheers, B

  • Ok, guys - this all makes sense.  We can add an option (and this should be a cue list attribute) that lets the fader act as a master for intensities.... once the cue is complete.  I think the way it would have to work is that if while the cue is in motion, the fader works as it does now .... controlling the proportional difference between the start value and the end value. Once the cue is active, the fader could then act as an intensity master.  

     Brent, you can currently choose LTP/HTP at a cue list level, not at a cue/channel level.    Obsession had LTP/HTP options within an effect itself.  We haven't yet added that.... in some ways, we are waiting to see what happens with LTP NPS on submasters.

     So, going back to this proportional master/intensity master idea..... what do you all want to call this option?  Ideas always welcome.

    Thanks.  Good discussion.


  • "I think the way it would have to work is that if while the cue is in motion, the fader works as it does now .... controlling the proportional difference between the start value and the end value. Once the cue is active, the fader could then act as an intensity master."


    Anne, to be honest and 100% blunt, that wouldnt work for me, and wouldnt even be something I'd use... as I have a stack of looks or whatever that I want to be able to "punch" through with a GO button, at whatever level my fader is at... I record all my key light channels at full, and then ride them with the fader, while still being able to punch through them at the same level.  If the fader changed modes or whatever it did mid stream of the cue, then the cue would bounce to full and then back down to its level and that would be very weird.


    For example... right now Im doing a corporate show with a cue stack of Key Lights, cue 1 has a DSC key, cue 2 is the stage wash etc etc etc... so I can pound through each cue I need, the timing is still executed via the cue timing, however this allows me to "ride" the level of the lighting, all the while being able to xfade between the various key lights I need. 


    As far as naming the fader mode... I recommend calling it "Badger Style"



  • Understood.  Works totally fine with anything fading up.... just working out the math for anything that is a downfade - and if you grab it dynamically.  But you know what, our boy Duffy has to work that out.  And he claims he agrees with you.  So, there you have it.  Will think about "Badger Style".... not sure it'll fit on a softkey.  (And hey... .wait a minute.... didn't Mike start this thread?)



    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 6:53 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jan 14 2008]
  • We LOVE the duffy.


    ""And hey... .wait a minute.... didn't Mike start this thread?""


    Actually if you go to the instant replay this was on one of the lists I sent to ya WAAAAAAAAYYYYYY back during Ray and Matter of Honor....  ;)


  • Ah, that's right!   You guys have commentary coming in so fast and furious it's hard to keep up (but please do keep it up)!  

    Thanks much.... as always.

    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 6:53 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Jan 18 2008]
  • hi all,

    im happy to see this thread has come to the point and looking forward for future software releases !


    i dont care about the name of this feature, (intensitymastermode?),  but i would love to see it in the default options !

    btw i agree with abbydowning that this and some other features (e.g. highlight and fan buttons, more control over the effects engine, more information on the screens when working with hundreds of movinglights ...)

    would sure open doors in a big event and live -market for the eos.

    i think especially the rock solid network alowing to adress dozens of universes together with the user friendly interface would be a good alternative to competitors like gma/hog.

    but this should be a new thread, i guess...




    [edited by: keptnahab at 2:57 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 08 2008] [edited by: keptnahab at 2:55 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 08 2008]
  • Mike, Fan and Highlight will both be in 1.4.  The effects package continues to be a work in progress, and probably will be for a long time to come.  

     I'm curious about the following:  "more information on the screens when working with hundreds of moving lights...."  what are you looking for?  

    Thanks for the input!


    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 1:16 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Feb 14 2008] [edited by: Anne Valentino at 1:15 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Feb 14 2008]
  • Resolution. More Data on screen at once :D
  • In 1.4, the table view will be zoomable.  Also, in the table view, conventional fixtures will be represented in a tombstone view, not a column.  So, if you patch your show in a logical way, you will get more channels on the screen.  Will that help?


  • anne, now im really looking forward to 1.4 !

    a zoomable table view would help a lot, but a "compressed view" could help even more. im thinking of a view without those nice borders and spaces (which normaly make the great look of the interface, no doubt !) and a smaller (scaleable?) font, containing a simple list of fixtures and values.

    i also would like to switch between labels, values, and timing for the actual feature.          

    i cant remember exactly how many fixtures are visible in the actual views, but i can remember the last job with the eon, we had about 260 movinglights, different types (which isnt soo much actualy) and it was always a bit of a pain to keep the overview...

    hope that makes sense.



    [edited by: keptnahab at 10:08 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 22 2008] [edited by: keptnahab at 10:07 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Feb 22 2008]
  • Here's the reason that we made the faders work the way they do.  And this example is courtesy of John Featherstone... its the best one I know.  You have a base look on the stage.  You have another look that has a ballyhoo out into the audience.  You want to be able to manually fade your ballyhoo from the base look out into the audience as the CEO walks out.  And then as he returns, you want to fade the ballyhoo back in to the stage. so you are using the potentiometer to manually control the transitions back and forth between two different looks. You can see how this could apply to an intensity value as well.   

     For any Avolites users, this sounds like a mode 2 time setting for playbacks.  I also support the common request of allowing the cue list fader acting as a master.  As many others have stated we understand the console was not designed to directly compete with Hog, etc. many of us run multipurpose venues where these types of functions make an excellent theatre console more flexible.


    we are adding non-intensity parameters on submasters in 1.4..

    Anne, does this also apply to ION?


  • Here's the reason that we made the faders work the way they do.  And this example is courtesy of John Featherstone... its the best one I know.  You have a base look on the stage.  You have another look that has a ballyhoo out into the audience.  You want to be able to manually fade your ballyhoo from the base look out into the audience as the CEO walks out.  And then as he returns, you want to fade the ballyhoo back in to the stage. so you are using the potentiometer to manually control the transitions back and forth between two different looks. You can see how this could apply to an intensity value as well.   

     For any Avolites users, this sounds like a mode 2 time setting for playbacks.  I also support the common request of allowing the cue list fader acting as a master.  As many others have stated we understand the console was not designed to directly compete with Hog, etc. many of us run multipurpose venues where these types of functions make an excellent theatre console more flexible.


    we are adding non-intensity parameters on submasters in 1.4..

    Anne, does this also apply to ION?


  • SBC:

    Anne, does this also apply to ION?


    What a great discussion!  As an imminent ION owner, I am interested in this as well!


  • Yes, both Eos and Ion sv1.4 will have NPs on subs.  Additionally, the potentiometer for both playbacks and submasters can be set as intensity masters or proportional progress controllers (the default).  

    There are differences in the behavior of the bump buttons on submasters depending on how they are set.... and the button above the bump button now has a purpose.  More details shortly!

  • Anne,


    Regarding the ability to put intensity on playbacks...I am so very glad to hear that we'll be able to finally do this!   In terms of the live corporate events that I mostly program for, this will suit my purposes very much and make a great desk so much better.  I am so very happy to hear that I won't have to creatively program my way around this to make it work for me.  Thank you all so much for considering and implementing this feature. 


    *much rejoicing from the peanut gallery*

  • Hi Abby (or is it Mrs. T.... ??).  I do think this will add another layer of flexibility.  So thanks to all of your for helping us work out the actual behavior.  

    You all speak... we do!  Sometimes it takes us a handful of months, but we do get there!!


    [edited by: Anne Valentino at 2:33 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Apr 17 2008]