Conversion of 16-bit Pan/Tilt values into degrees.

Hi, I'm in the middle of transferring an existing show into EOS. In the existing show file the pan/tilt values are expressed as 16-bit values, which I need to convert to degrees. I'm reasonably sure I know how to do this but I would like to just confirm what DMX values the EOS outputs at each end of the pan/tilt ranges. I'm working offline and I don't have access to a console right now so I can't check this for myself until next week, and I'd rather not get this wrong...

For a tilt range of -135 to +135 degrees, can I assume that -135 degrees => DMX 0, 0 degrees => DMX 32767, and +135 degrees => DMX 65535?

For a pan range of -270 to +270 degrees, can I assume that -270 degrees => DMX 0, 0 degrees => DMX 32767, and +270 degrees => DMX 65535?

If someone's able to confirm that those assumptions are correct then I can quite easily convert the existing show's 16-bit values into degrees for inputting into EOS.

Many thanks,


  • I've found the answer to this question - EOS outputs pan/tilt data in 16-bit format in its ASCII export and the exported values match up with the 16-bit values I'd originally converted to degrees to type into EOS - so that's all fine.

    Next question: I now have an Excel spreadsheet with more than 1,000 pan & tilt values converted from 16-bit to degrees. Is there any way of importing this data into EOS? I tried manually adding another focus palette record to an EOS ASCII export, but when I attempt to import that ASCII file I end up with a blank show file, even just selecting Palettes for import. Any ideas why this file doesn't import (see attached)? It'd be so much quicker to populate this file with all the focus palette data than it would be to type it all in to the OLE.




  • Funny, I was in the middle of converting pan and tilt to degrees for my Christmas show in excel when your post showed up. I don't have as much input work to do as you do, but I am very interested in the method for automating this. I am converting a show from Obsession I.


  • Tim for your imports, you will need to save your Obsession 1 show files in an Obsession 2 file format.  And then you need to save that Obsession 2 file as an ASCII file using Obsession 2 offline.  I believe there is information in the Obsession manual about this, but if you run into trouble, you can either ping tech support or call David West at Wunder Lighting (he's your rep).  He can talk you through this....


  • Tim for your imports, you will need to save your Obsession 1 show files in an Obsession 2 file format.  And then you need to save that Obsession 2 file as an ASCII file using Obsession 2 offline.  I believe there is information in the Obsession manual about this, but if you run into trouble, you can either ping tech support or call David West at Wunder Lighting (he's your rep).  He can talk you through this....

