Elation Platinum Spot 3 (iii) split colors

I’ve got a rig with a dozen Elation Platinum Spot III’s. The fixture supposedly can do split colors but the profile only has “snap” and “spin” modes. Does anyone have a profile for this fixture that will allow me to split them? The “hold shift and spin the encoder” trick isn’t working. Ion Xe running 3.1.0. 

Parents Reply
  • Sorry for hopping in the 3rd time.

    After having a look at the manual from a couple of other Elation Products i came to the conclusion that they just have a different way of thinking than i have.

    i thought that the Ch6 (Fine Color Adj.), having a extra Tableheader meant that it should be an extra function. But writing 16Bit Functions isn't that easy for elation and ALSO for a lot of other manufacturer.

    Because 16bit is not realy 8bit+8bit

    it is 8Bit: 0-255

    or 16Bit: 0-65535

    And this was my originaly problem-thought. But i got over it and my final surgestion is:

    Please us the Macro Function. 

    (Wow, so much text for so less action. Next time i am less on hyper-action. Sorry!)
