Martin Jem ZR24 7 Hazer

Hi, Please can we have a fixture profile crated for the Martin Jem ZR24 7 Hazer, Please can the Haze output be set as a value that can be se by typing a value in or putting it on a sub-master as this is not possible with the current profile.

I am using 3.1.1

Thank you



  • Hello  , I see there is a Martin ZR 24/7  in the library for v3.1.0 / v3.1.1.  It appears to match the manual that you linked.

    I was readily able to type eg "Chan 1 {Blower} 25" or "Chan 1 {Haze} 57"  Those values become the DMX level 0-255 that is sent to the fixture.

    But I see that "Haze 57" doesn't mean "57%" - is that what you're thinking of?  

    As you can see in the manual, it stats the Fog [Haze] values are

    "20 - 220 proportional output level control Implemented in 20 discrete steps" -

    so on the console, they have a range with 20 "chunks" that you can choose from and scroll within.

    If you prefer a simple linear layout where you want "57%" to output DMX 145, you can make a copy of the onboard profile and delete all the various modes.  Then you have control over the fixture, but need to be aware of the end ranges lixke "Prime function" on channel 1.  Or, you could modify the ranges that are there to fit your needs.

  • It would be nice if I could type in haze 45. And have it go to 45% or even type @45? I thought of setting the channel to intensity but then if I do @ full, it goes to prime, other than getting rid of prime, is there any ay around this? 

  • I can think of a couple options.  An "old-school" one is to patch this device as dimmers, but use a custom curve with stepped levels, something like:

    You would need to figure out exactly which DMX values you want where, and apply them using eg 100 @ // 215 (so 100% is DMX output 215).  To Prime the device, you would need to Park that address to full (which works around the curve you set on the channel).

    A simpler option is to edit the User values for the Haze parameter of the fixture profile

    So for example, I changed the "5%" range to just be min - 5 and max - 5 ("home" gets adjusted automatically)

    Now, if I type Chan 1 [Haze] 5 [Enter], it will go to that "5%" value, DMX 25.

    Likewise, further down I adjusted the "100%" range to be just min - 100 and max 100.  Typing Chan 1 [Haze] 100 [Enter] causes the console to output DMX level 215, which seems right for that function (the manual does not give exact details so you might need to play around with it.).

    This will maintain the "Prime" range.  It still allows you choose off the list in ML Controls as well:

    You still need to insert the "Haze" or "Blower" attribute name on your command line.  This can be done picking it off the parameter selector in the CIA, putting them in a Macro, or creating a Magic Sheet button. 

    It continues to be the case that if you type "Chan 1 at Full" you will get no haze or blower.

    • That's great, thanks for your help could I just swap the haze parameter to Intensity, so I don't have to type put in haze? 
  • If you do swap Haze to Intensity, just be aware that "Chan 1 at Full" will set it to Prime (DMX 230).  "Chan 1 at 100" will set it to the 100% range (DMX 215).

    Oh, another quibble - you may get strange results in DMX output if you type in "Chan 1 at 57" or another non-multiple of 5, if the ranges just skip those values. 

    So, you might actually want to do them in some sensible ranges eg, for "50%", make the user range be 48 to 52, and for "55%", 53 to 57, and so on.
