I'd like to request a new fixture profile.
Manufacturer: Showtec
Model Name: PixelStrip40
Link, Mode and Footprint: https://www.highlite.com/de/mwdownloads/download/link/id/17430880/ This is the manual of the PixelStrip40. But DMX/ArtNet data is shown in https://www.highlite.com/de/mwdownloads/download/link/id/17430881/ page 26. There are three modes. 8 channel is uninteresting. 480 channel could be interesting. But the 1920 ArtNet mode is the interesting one. But I think in EOS it would be best to be able to choose a PixelStrip40 as fixture and calculate addresses themself. The difference between 480ch and 1920ch is only addressing which the user does then.
EOS versions: 3.x (I'm using 3.2.0 beta, but I don't know if new beta versions include also the newest fixture profiles...)
I'd like to be able to use it by June.
Thanks a lot