Change request: Cameo Zenit Z180 G2

Hey there,

about the Cameo Zenit Z180 G2.

DMX table:

In Lamp Controls a few settings are missing. The Fan controls (DMX value 050-071) and Zoomrange control (DMX value 072-093) are missing.

Regarding color correction: In the fixture profile in EOS it's called 'Color Mix 2'. I'd like it more like 'Color temperature' like it is called in W300. The color temperature channel is basicly the same as in Cameo Zenit W300. So maybe it could be created with a virtual mode as described in the following post:  RE: Change Request: Cameo Zenit W300 Lamp Control wrong values

Thanks a lot!


By the way, is there any way to participate in updating fixture librarys? Sometimes there are just little things like these control parameter fixes which I can quickly change in fixture editor in my showfile. But for other users all around the world these parameters remain missing. Because in this forum it says 'ETC is currently experiencing a significant delay in fulfilling new fixture library requests', I guess it would be a win for both sides if users like me could at least prepare fixes in any way so that the ETC team only has to review it instead of fixing it?
