Multi-Part Cue

Hi all,
Today I tried to write my first Multi-Part Cue.   I failed.
I have Cue 5 with several incandescent instruments on, and a mover on.
I have Cue 6 - TIme 5, with several different incandescent instruments, and the mover in a different place.
Naturally, You can easily see the mover switching positions.
I thought that a Multi-Part Cue might help me hide the move.   I tried to do this:

Cue 6, Part 1, Start the fade of incandescent instruments, fade the mover Channel out, in 1 second...

Cue 6, Part 2, Continue the fade of incandescent instruments, and change the mover's position, for 3 more seconds...
Cue 6, Part 3, Finish the fade of incandescent instruments,  and fade the mover Channel back in, in 1 second...
I couldn't get this to work after dozens of attempts.
How can I make this work?
Thanks much.
  • A channels parameter can only have one move command in a cue.
    So you can take the mover intensity out in one cue but not bring the intensity back up in the same cue.

    You'll need to make a follow on cue for the intensity.

    Are you using Auto Mark?

    You could take the Incandescents down in part 1, mover out quicker in part 2. Auto Mark will do its thing. Add a Hang time of 0.5 say and make a Cue 6.1 which brings the mover back up. A mark time in setup is your best option at this point.

    I can add more details if needed but this is the quickest and easiest way when you're just starting out.

  • A channels parameter can only have one move command in a cue.
    So you can take the mover intensity out in one cue but not bring the intensity back up in the same cue.

    You'll need to make a follow on cue for the intensity.

    Are you using Auto Mark?

    You could take the Incandescents down in part 1, mover out quicker in part 2. Auto Mark will do its thing. Add a Hang time of 0.5 say and make a Cue 6.1 which brings the mover back up. A mark time in setup is your best option at this point.

    I can add more details if needed but this is the quickest and easiest way when you're just starting out.
