A few feature requests that have fallen through the cracks

Wanted to follow up on a few bug/feature requests I've made on this forum over the years that ETC has yet to respond to:

1.) When working with multiple cue lists, going backward in a cue list releases channels to home values instead of to background values in the other cuelist:

 Streamlining Multiple Cuelists in a Live Programming Atmosphere (Ion) 

2.) Channel X Delete Cue Y/ Enter does nothing. It should either remove that channel's values from the cue list, or it should return an error:

 Wishlist: Delete channels from an entire cuelist from the command line 

3.) Highlight should override effects:

 Wishist: Highlight should override effects 

Thanks a lot!

Ethan Kaplan

Eos v3.2.5

Parents Comment
  • You have to configure HL/LL presets when you do a new show anyway? I don't see how this is that much more work. Fixtures will always follow HL/LL behavior when in that state. If you want it to stop an effect in LL then add a stop effect flag. If you don't, then don't. 

  • Ok, so I'm back behind the console after a long holiday break. Adding a StopEffect to the Highlight palette does work as suggested, thanks for the workaround!The only problem is I can't add a STOP flag as a By Type value, so it has to be added to every channel in my patch. So every time I add a channel to my patch at all, I have to go into that preset and add StopEffect flags to the Intensity and Color.

  • Moreover, I wanted to make a macro for [Blind] [Preset 1001] [Enter] {Select All} {Intensity} {Color} [Stop Effect] [Enter]. Unfortunately this command doesn't work if there are channels within the selection that already contain StopEffect flags. The command terminates without doing anything.