Has this been implemented? I know if you make a 2x or 3x fader you can assign the load button to a different function. I'd love to be able to do the same on a 1x fader.
Hi Anne, was this already implemented? I'am looking for a way to empty this load button because it's not needed in a Magic Sheet, and i would like to prevent users from pressing that button. Thanks in advance
Maybe it could work like that when you press [assert] , [release] or [Off], that each button above a submasterfader or one of a cuelist turns into [Load], so that you have always the ability the use this buttons.
Hey there. Yes, that is on the list. We resisted this at first because you can get yourself in a box without a load button. But we have decided if you deliberately want to disallow any of the functions that require use of the load key - that is your decision to make. We intend to get back to fader controls work later this year.