Planned for Future

Changing Load Button

It´d be great if there was an option to change the action of the load button of a submaster or a Cuelist.

  • Hey there.  Yes, that is on the list.  We resisted this at first because you can get yourself in a box without a load button.  But we have decided if you deliberately want to disallow any of the functions that require use of the load key - that is your decision to make.    We intend to get back to fader controls work later this year.  



  • Hey there.  Yes, that is on the list.  We resisted this at first because you can get yourself in a box without a load button.  But we have decided if you deliberately want to disallow any of the functions that require use of the load key - that is your decision to make.    We intend to get back to fader controls work later this year.  


