Display any parameter data on a magic sheet

I'd like to have the ability to show the status/value down to the individual parameter level on a magic sheet and not just the category. 

For example - I want to see JUST the label for the beam palette that the Zoom parameter is in, without worrying about others. Currently, if different parameters in the same category are in different palettes, the "beam" field type on a magic sheet will show the label of whichever palette currently has the most active parameters in it. 

My specific use case is for console-controlled followspots. I have beam palettes for edge which contain data for both edge and diffusion. Then, I have a "dummy" beam palette for iris which allows the operator to see a label/iris size on a magic sheet (they manually control the iris.) Because two parameters are in the "frost" palette and only one parameter is in the "label" palette, the display shows Frost+ instead of Label+. If I was able to just have the iris status displayed, this would be solved. I think that there are other uses cases beyond mine, as well. 

  • My workaround is to put other parameters into my "label" palette to "outnumber" the edge palette, for example shutter strobe and strobe mode since those typically wouldn't ever actually need to change in most cases, but this makes the data not super clean and is somewhat variable between fixture types as different lights might have different parameters available. 

  • My workaround is to put other parameters into my "label" palette to "outnumber" the edge palette, for example shutter strobe and strobe mode since those typically wouldn't ever actually need to change in most cases, but this makes the data not super clean and is somewhat variable between fixture types as different lights might have different parameters available. 

No Data