Feature request- information on client inability to connect to master

So, I'm sitting here with two laptops right next to each other, wanting both to connect to my RPU as a client through my wireless network. Both have the same Eos and fixture library versions and both have the same network settings (with different IPs, obviously). One of my laptops is connected well, all happy and functional. The other show the master console, but in red as unconnectable. But there is no explanation as to why.

So my feature request is this: whether the master just appears in red or is actually struck-thru, is there a way to put some explanation or reason either next to or below the master that shows why it cannot be connected?  


  • Whether or not we agree on a "reasonable" response, I do appreciate the info on the feature request section. I posted the original on mobile and that version did not have a link to "Feature requests" in the menu. I'll either move this or delete and repost. Thanks.
  • Maybe posting in the dedicated Feature request section of this forum would help. And if you're clairvoyant and knew that wireless would trigger a reasonable but unwanted response, then maybe you could have avoided it. You know, to make your life easier...
  • And this is what I was afraid would happen. Someone got all caught up on the word WIRELESS. Silly. First: wired or wireless, feedback on connection issues would be incredibly beneficial in troubleshooting. Both these forums and the Facebook group are rife with "My console won't connect!" posts. Feedback within the console would go along way to helping those users solve their issues without having to reach out to someone else and play guessing games. Second: while wireless is completely inappropriate for show-critical applications, it is invaluable for the load-in and tech process. Having multiple input and display stations around a stage makes workflow much more efficient, even if your stage doesn't have a 60' proscenium with 200' of depth from plaster line, a 100' grid, and 100+' of wing space either side. Thinking that all (up to) five of my onstage "consoles" have to be wired would be like having your head in the sand. It's A) completely unrealistic, and B) frankly ludicrous.  And, Third: This is a post about a feature request. Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with that. I didn't ask for connection help, and I didn't ask for an "explanation" from someone. I asked for a feature getting me more data from the console. If my console or nomad isn't connecting- especially when another unit right next to it set up the same way is- I need to know why. Knowing that I'm not connecting because I'm dropping packets leads me to more questions: is my network card going bad? Is one of my switches failing? And the like. I'm asking for more information from the console regarding connection issues, whether over CAT or through the air. Connection is connection. Endorsed or not, connecting via Wi-FI is available (and useful) with Nomad systems. I'm aware that wireless is not officially supported. But that fact (and your response) has ZERO bearing on the feature request.  If you support having more information from the console on connection problems, please post saying so. If not, please say that instead. But those should be the responses to this. Thanks.
  • The explanation is that connection through wifi is not supported