Feature Request: Fully incorporate virtual & real CIE X CIE Y parameters into color picker

I have a large project coming up where the DPs insist on using their own XY system for everything, this puts me at a disadvantage as CIE X and CIE Y controls are not fully incorporated into the color picker and ML controls in EOS. I have seen other posts in recent years where not having full CIE X&Y color controls is an issue in the TV/FILM industry and imperfect workarounds have to be used.

Since 3.1 allows for full organizational control of encoders, can the next release please incorporate full X and Y control via virtual and real parameters, the same way you can use encoders to enter hue and sat values on a RGB fixture and the color picker will do the rest. This should also allow TINT controls in the color picker to adjust X and Y parameters appropriately, and would be a huge improvement in workflow and selling point for using EOS during filming on other projects where X Y "must" be used. Currently the plan is I will have to use separate custom system/software the DPs have made and will NOT be using EOS for filming, an idea that makes me very sad.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Ray Roy
IATSE Local 52