Under Review

Stick Beams and Fixture Labels not as useful as hoped


Augmented is not as useful as I hoped at answering the question: "what is the bright spot downstage left" particularly on large shows.

1) There should be an option for channel number labels to be displayed at the floor, rather than the middle of the beam

2) There should be a way to color code the channel number labels based on unit type, or active color palette

3) Stick Beams should offer a wireframe view of the the light beams, with an oval defining the edge, and a very light opacity fill

4) There should be a way to adjust the size of channel label text

5) I wish it were easier to toggle the visibility of fixture types on and off

All of these ideas are based on using augmented for a broadway show, and finding it frustrating to still answer the question: "what is the bright spot downstage left"

Thank you all for the amazing work, stay safe

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