Timecode Timeline + Controls

It would be great if there was some form of timeline window similar to grandma2 that allows you to view Timecode events on a timeline, rather than just viewing times from the show control list. Allowing for easier edits.

And it’s also worth considering adding a dedicated window to control playback & recording of Timecode / show control evens, without having to open the show control window, and do “Event 1/ Learn”

And last but not least, some form of configurable filter when learning Timecode events, I.e limiting Timecode learning to cues only, so if people use macros to control learning of Timecode events, it doesn’t get picked up.

This probably won’t be possible due to some limitation I’m unaware of, but the ability for consoles with 3.5mm headphone jacks to receive and decode LTC / Smpte Timecode would be brilliant.

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