Feature and improvement suggestions

Feedback from users like you help us shape and improve Eos for all productions. We receive a large number of feature requests and suggestions from many sources, including this forum. Your comments and votes help us understand which features you’re passionate about, but there are many additional factors which inform development prioritization for any given release.

The most helpful information you can provide us when commenting on issues is how a particular suggestion would help you. If you describe your use-case and how the suggested change would benefit your work, it lets us gain a much deeper understanding of the need behind the suggestion. Suggestions often have an impact on what we work on, even if we ultimately choose not to implement a suggestion exactly as it’s described. Our ultimate goal is to understand what you and all users need and to create solutions that meet those needs. Occasionally, that’ll mean implementing a suggestion as described, but it usually means working to understand the need behind the suggestion and how we can meet that need for as many users as possible.

While we endeavor to update and respond to popular suggestions, the volume we receive means there will be occasions when we can’t provide an update or response in a timely manner. For bugs and show-critical issues, please use our standard forums and support structures: https://www.etcconnect.com/Contact/Technical-Support.aspx

  • Secondary [Shift] + [+%] and [Shift] + [-%] value

    • 1 Comment
    When utilizing [+%] and [-%], having a second customizable value can be helpful for finer control. For instance: [ +% ] = +10% intensity. (customizable) [ -% ] = -10% intensity. [ Shift ] + [ +% ] = +3% intensity (customizable) [ Shift ] + [ -% ]...
  • Undo Sneak

    When I need to use undo there is often a big jump in values. Sometimes, when I’m on a generator, that spike can cause a rev or sharp decrease. It would be nice to have a setting that gradually goes back when using undo.
  • Invert Rate and Size columns for Effect Status Display

    In the effects status display the column order is: Delay Rate BPM Size HForm VForm Axis, however, on the encoders wheels the order is Axis, Horizontal, Size, Rate. Please make the order of the columns in line with the order of the encoder wheels. Doing...
  • Shift Query - repeat last query

    • 1 Comment
    Could Shift Query work to repost the last query you created into the command line?
  • Add Downloads to Quick Access Location for Nomad

    When I download an asset I want in a magic sheet, it's in my downloads folder, this should be a quick access location like Desktop is.
  • Show macro label when fader buttons are assigned as macros

    When I set a fader button to be a macro trigger, it shows the macro number on the screen. I think it’d be really useful if the macro’s label shows on the screen instead.
  • View Channel Selection of a Different User

    • 1 Comment
    Many times the designer will want to be in the same user as the programmer, but all they really care about is seeing what channels are selected, they actively don't want to be dragged around in blind and to other tabs. It would be great if there was a...
  • Allow Level to be a Preset

    Live Rem Dim Level can accept a preset, allowing different intensities for different fixtures when they rem dim, this functionality should be extended to level. When I at Level a birdie I need a different intensity from when I at Level a 5K or a Lustr...
  • Disabling Output of Channels in Patch

    Hi, it would be great to be able to disable channels without unpatching them. This would allow users to work with smaller portions of a large showfile, in my case, programming LED's in scenery via a Gadget II before loading the show onstage. This could...
  • Toggle Effect status in tombstones and channel tables to more easily see what's underneath the effect

    All too often it can be cumbersome to find what preset or palette is in the background of an effect. Often the effect label in the tombstone or table will truncate or completely obscure what's underneath it (for example, it'll only be able to say "Stop...