• Add "min" to macro softkeys

    The Min enconder value button is not available in the macro editor softkeys. It would be nice to have that added so we didn't have to learn it via live then build a macro around it.
  • Timecode Mute

    When going through a cue range and adding follows to make it callable for a human in the event of a timecode failure, it would be great to be able to keep the timecode on a cue but have it 'muted'. This would also be useful for when a cut is made and...
  • Label Presets/Suggestions

    • 1 Comment
    I would love the ability to choose from presets when labeling things. For example. when labeling a cue, if it could have preset buttons on screen to choose from, such as "Blackout" or "B/O", "Button", "Restore", "Move DS"... so on. It would be nice to...
  • Two colors for Magic Sheet Objects

    • 1 Comment
    I choose the Square for a Channel. Give this square the color green for 100% at this Channel. But i can´t give color red for off for this channel. For On-Off-Switches it can help see the status better.
  • Timing for Presets and Paletts

    It should possible to set fade times for preset and pallets. e.g. Record Preset 1 Time 3
  • PSD/“Stage Management”/Cue List Mirror Mode

    An extension of Mirror Mode— a simple PSD showing cue numbers— cue timings— and cue labels— etc. for stage managers and/or other production team members that want to reference the lighting cues without needing full access/control of the console. (Available...
  • Magic Sheet Increment Selected

    In Magic Sheets, it would be great to be able to grab a group of items and increment their numbering by a specified number. (Similar to the way Lightwright will let us put "+10" in the channel column to add ten to a selected set of rows. This would...
  • Update popup: Show Cue List Label

    When working with multiple cue lists, knowing the label of the cue list becomes much more useful than the number of the list. Here is an example of what I'm after: Given the following setup: Cue lists: 11 - Car 12 - Truck 13 - Spaceship ...
  • New Magic Sheet Object Attribute: "Lock to Target"

    Frequently on my magic sheets I will map a button to an EOS Target. Could be a channel, preset, group, or anything. I'll then need to move the target. It would be nice if I could do that without also having to re-target all the magic sheet object that...
  • Cue list release time

    Add a simple option to have the cue list release in the same time as the cue down time, or have a deduced dedicated time in the cue list tab under the cue list. This feature is a huge one, especially for those of us that busk and have to constantly change...