• Ability to sneak effect after manually stopping it

    I want to stop an effect and then be able to use sneak to have the channels run the effect again without firing the cue again.
  • CopyTo multiple targets

    It would be great if it was possible to copy to multiple targets. For example [Cue 1] [CopyTo] [5]+[8] All to often I find myself having to go to a cue and record to multiple targets, because CopyTo does not work in that regard.
  • [Copy To] {Plus Show} Should Optionally Exclude By-Type Palettes

    Hi! Currently (in Eos 3.2.5) in patch, using [Copy To] with the {Plus Show} modifier copies all data from the source - including referenced data that was not discrete, making a data discrete in palettes that are otherwise exclusively by-type. I believe...
  • Macro Comments

    • 1 Comment
    Duplicate of here .
  • Flexi to Cue List

    Duplicate of here . I'd love to open a separate live table and flexi it to only channels active from cue list 2 as opposed to cue list 1 or any other cue list. I couldn't find a way, and don't think it's possible, but maybe someone knows a trick....
  • OSC wheels

    For processing wheels in an extern application it would helpful to get the number of current active wheels.Maybe something like /eos/out/active/wheels with an integer as return value of the active wheelsThis should send before sending the wheel data....
  • Scenes - Direct Select for Magic Sheets

    Scenes is the only Direct Select that doesn't have a Magic Sheet element. It's great to be able to select and update scenes from a DS Bank, but it can soemtimes be difficult to locate the one you want quickly, especially if you have a lot of them.....
  • Color Palettes - Manually Override Color Swatch

    I'd love the ability to override the color swatch that displays in direct selects for color palettes. Either choosing a leader channel, or the ability to choose your own RGB value. I have some palettes that choose color wheel chips on movers and those...
  • Rename Effect "Trail" to "Distance"

    Without reading the manual (and even when you do) the word "Trail" in the context of Eos effects is very easy to misunderstand. Almost everybody seems to understand this word as the trailing (comet effect) of an effect. "Trail" does however control how...
  • Additional Tracking Option for "Update Int. Q-Only" that is checking for active Dimmers in the following Qs and stops tracking NIPs there

    Hej Folks, trying to keep your Tracklist clean without messing things up can lead to a lot of manual cleaning. To achive that with a little less effort I´d love to have a function that is available on MA2. There is an update function that is called "Tracking...