• Remove parenthesis in offset option.

    • 1 Comment
    If I have a lot of fixtures, I may want to select 4th fixture, then every 4th+1 fixture. This is useful in instances where you are fanning an array or grid of fixtures and want to create interesting curvy looking beams using pan/tilt, but do not want...
  • Save colors in ProPhoto colorspace in color palettes

    I would like to see the colors saved as an x, y coordinate in the ProPhote Colorspace when stored to Color Palettes. This could be as a new way (like ByType) of storing (Universal colorsystem for instance). This way it is easier to exchange fixtures in...
  • Smoothly fade between cues when an effect is adjusting parameters such as trail, grouping, etc.

    When you modify channel grouping, trails, or any other aspect related to channel redistribution within cues, the effect abruptly snaps, irrespective of cue or effect timing. I desire the capability to create a seamless fade between changes, allowing the...
  • Add a Readonly toggle switch to show file

    • 1 Comment
    I'd like to propose a read-only toggle switch function. Why: For higher ed and k-12 situations, we have labs where students start from a base show file on the console. Yes, instructions say the first thing to do is a save as command. Students do not...
  • Patch Offset

    It would be nice to be able to define an offset in patch for various paramaters. Specificaly for pan tilt this would be super helpful. Imagine a fixture was hung 90° the wrong way, in patch you could set a pan offset of -90. Then pan 0 is where you expect...
  • Undo Sneak

    When I need to use undo there is often a big jump in values. Sometimes, when I’m on a generator, that spike can cause a rev or sharp decrease. It would be nice to have a setting that gradually goes back when using undo.
  • Add Downloads to Quick Access Location for Nomad

    When I download an asset I want in a magic sheet, it's in my downloads folder, this should be a quick access location like Desktop is.
  • Show macro label when fader buttons are assigned as macros

    When I set a fader button to be a macro trigger, it shows the macro number on the screen. I think it’d be really useful if the macro’s label shows on the screen instead.
  • [Fixture editor] Add possibility to edit Fixture notes

    Hi, it would be usefull to edit notes when we editing / creating a fixture
  • Copy Target Icons

    Now that we have icons, would be great to be able to copy Icons. [Beam Palette] [1] [Copy To] brings up a softkey to only copy labels. Can we have a 2nd soft key for Icon to copy the icon only over to other beam palettes?