• Patch-Fixture editor

    Hi all, Would it be possible to nest the numbered parameters(Red, Red 1, Red 2, Red 3, Red...) under the parent parameter in the fixture editor and then allow the choice to be made to either select the parent or open up the category to choose one of the...
  • XY color wheel controls on encoders

    • Planned for Future on
    XY is quickly becoming prevalent in the film world. It's not as complicated as many forum posts seem to make it: just meter the light, use our built in XY to adjust to the XY you are trying to match, record CP. The issue is being quick and precise with...
  • Split Color for Color Wheel in Augment3d

    • 1 Comment
    Hey there, I would like to be able to select split colors in custom color wheels and see them in Augment3d. Thanks, Lars
  • I wish there was more "loading" user feedback while an A3d model loads until it is complete.

    See the videos at the link below In 2 cases opening one file from previously sitting in a different one, and the 3rd case opening from a fresh install. In all instances, the A3D model takes some time to fully load but there isn’t any feedback to let you...
  • Having the Intensity, focus, colour, Beam and Soft Keys on the Touch Bar.

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, Very Similar to this https://community.etcconnect.com/control_consoles/eos-family-consoles/f/eos-family/23447/macbook-pro-touch-bar-custom-configuration but just moving the bottom row of buttons as above to the Touch Bar on relevant models.
  • Bigger Input box for Show Archive Box in Shell

    • Planned for Future on
    • 1 Comment
    When you go to edit the Show Archive Path (or Media/Model Archive Path) in the Shell, the box to edit the text above the keyboard has never been wide enough to show the whole file name. Can it at least be as wide as the keyboard? I think since I've...
  • Highest & Lowest as Query option

    Hello, I wonder if there could be a query option fo find the highest or lowest value for parameters of channels in a selection (or at least for the intensity values) I ran into this question thinking about a solution for my "followme-macro" probelm...
  • Product Idea: Augment3d Camera Position Sensor

    Augment3d has the ability to be very powerful for film production. If we had a small accelerometer/rfid/positioning type product we could attach to a camera build we could then use that as our augment3d viewer on a laptop. The purpose would be to view...
  • Scenic Element Movable - Add the ability to have the Size X Y Z dimensions of an object saved in cues

    Scenic Element Movable Could you add the ability to have the Size X Y Z dimensions of an object saved in cues, or at least changes to those dimensions? This would be useful for representing ( in Augment3d ) opening house curtains part way, or...
  • Effect Mark / Automark

    • 1 Comment
    It would be nice to have an official way to mark any NP effect and have it run in a cue prior to the one it is being used to avoid seeing the effect ramp up or movers swing into a position effect. The idea would be that effect marking would be separate...