• Show pixel map values in Magic-sheets and Tab 1

    • 1 Comment
    Hi, it would be nice if pixelmap ads could also be displayed in magic sheets and tab 1. It would make working easier. Thanks a lot Gerold
  • Add possibility to import Cobalt Show Files [CSF] and their magic sheets

    In France, lot of venues substitute Cobalt desks by Eos desks. But we need to export ASCII files and we loose our magic sheets. It would be great to improve import from Cobalt 8 !!! Please allow us to import CSF
  • Custom Direct Select > Button Labels and Icons

    The button item for custom Direct Select currently allows you to add a console button or a jump button for example. It would be great if we had the option of giving them custom labels or an icon. It can be hard to remember what is at 1/583 for example...
  • Custom Direct Select > Command

    • 1 Comment
    In addition to the Button item, it would be really helpful if we had a command item like in Magic sheets, with the same label and Icon options in my other feature request. This would let us change another Custom Direct Select without having to make snapshots...
  • fixture builder: Hz as an "Appended Unit"

    Hello, it would be nice to have in the Fixture Builder, besides Degres and Percent, also Hz as an "Appended Unit". Or an other way to teach Eos the " Appended Unit". yours thilda
  • A “Raw Output” Flexi State for Tombstones and Setting for Magic Sheet Channels Objects

    A flexi state that shows actual output from channels in tombstone view and ability to show actual output on magic sheet channel objects. This would show what parked channels are outputting, what channels are actually outputting when a proportion is applied...
  • Partitions Display Page with column height adjustments

    • 1 Comment
    Hi, Using partitions can get frustrating when your channel count is quite large and out of number order. (I'm using channel numbers into 5 digits.) I would like a page dedicated to Partitions a la the Groups Display page and I'd like to be able to...
  • Adding fixtures in Patch with partitions

    When using partitions and patching new fixtures they need to be added to the partiton after they have been patched. I would like to propose that if a user is in a specific partiotion and patches new fixtures they automatically be added to the partitonthe...
  • Cue List Channel Filter Minus Channels

    • 1 Comment
    Hi There, I may have missed something and there may be a way to do it, however I can't see how. It would be great to be able to be able to channel filter in reverse IE Minus channel X & Y not just filter to selected channels if you see what I mean....
  • A3D - Ability to use Copy To on A3D fixture position information

    • 1 Comment
    It would be great to be able to copy the position of one lamp to another, to speed up tasks such as creating a second lamp for a twofer, or orientating groups of lamps that share many position and orientation points.