• Auto-labelling in patch and target lists

    This post caught my eye; https://community.etcconnect.com/control_consoles/eos-family-consoles/f/eos-family/53653/auto-labelling-on-eos-channels/174586?focus=true Labelling a range of channels or record targets with something like "Frontlight - 1...
  • Unleash The LED Pixels!

    With the exception of Apex and the 24k Ion, Most consoles have a low output limit when considering pixels. For example, the ION my local theatre just purchased has a 2048 output limit and my Nomad dongle unlocked has a 6144 output limit. Thus a limit...
  • ADD an LED Tape solution to Augmented 3D

    Would be such a fantastic tool to be able to Visualize LED tape in Augmented 3D. Hard to come across a theatrical design without it these days!
  • Color Block Option

    Could we add a way to do a color block for a cue? Like an intensity block so that ML data can track past but color won't
  • CSV Import - Alert Time

    • 1 Comment
    Ability to import cues with an alert time column
  • Show Control - Enable thru to be used with event lists

    For example, Event 1/ thru /8 external disable
  • Direct Selects in a magic sheet

    Adding direct selects into a magic sheet would be great, allowing me to have single columns of DS without having to setup windows. This then would allow the conservation of that precious screen real estate.
  • SDK or specification for fixture 3D models

    Provide a SDK or specification (format, max vertices, groups) so that talented community members, and fixture manufactures can contribute 3D models for fixtures that currently do not have models.
  • Light boxes and LED Tape in Augment

    As we have gone into panto season this year (as well all have been!) I’ve found the usefulness of augment as a programming aid. One thing that would have made this slightly easier would have been the ability to add the LED tape and light boxes to my Denice...
  • Emitter/Color Flag Parameter Group

    It would be great to be able to grab all emitters and take them to a level, most commonly, 0 or 100. For Subtractive CMY, this is an easy enough macro to make since it's 3 parameters but for additive mixing there are so many emitter types that you can...